Envigo Drives 444% Increase in Organic Traffic for Oben Electric

Executive Summary

Oben Electric, a leading manufacturer of electric vehicles in India, partnered with Envigo in April 2023 to improve their website's search engine optimisation (SEO). Faced with limited organic traffic due to a single-page website and technical challenges, Envigo implemented a strategic SEO plan. This resulted in a staggering 443% increase in organic traffic within a year, propelling Oben Electric towards greater online visibility.

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Company Background

Oben Electric is a frontrunner in India's electric vehicle revolution. They offer sustainable and eco-friendly alternatives to traditional gasoline-powered cars, focusing on high performance and affordability. Recognising the importance of a strong online presence, Oben Electric sought to improve their website's SEO capabilities.

The Challenge

Oben Electric's website initially relied on a single page for all content, hindering its ability to target relevant keywords for search engines. Additionally, the website's former build on React.js posed technical challenges for effective SEO implementation, particularly around server-side rendering. This resulted in:

Low organic traffic

Difficulty attracting potential customers through search engines

Limited online brand awareness

The Solution

Envigo's SEO strategy for Oben Electric addressed these challenges through several key steps:

Website Migration

Envigo facilitated a migration from React.js to Next.js, a framework known for its SEO-friendliness. This improved the website's technical foundation for search engine crawling and indexing.

Content Expansion

New content sections were developed and implemented, including a dedicated blog, detailed product pages, a store locator, and FAQs. This provided valuable information for users and targeted relevant keywords.

On-going Maintenance

Envigo continues to provide ongoing maintenance and optimisation of Oben Electric's website, ensuring technical SEO best practices are followed.

Results and Impacts

Envigo's SEO efforts yielded impressive results for Oben Electric:

444% increase in organic traffic

444% increase in visitors in just a year.

Improved keyword ranking

Oben Electric's website now ranks higher for relevant search terms related to electric vehicles, making it more discoverable by potential customers.

Enhanced online brand awareness

Increased organic traffic translates to greater online visibility and brand recognition for Oben Electric.


Envigo's strategic SEO approach significantly improved Oben Electric's website visibility and organic traffic. The ongoing partnership allows for continuous optimisation and content development, ensuring Oben Electric maintains its position as a leading electric vehicle brand online.


"Partnering with Envigo for SEO was a game-changer for Oben. Our website traffic skyrocketed by 443% in just one year, putting our electric vehicles in front of a massive new audience. We're thrilled with the results and excited to see what the future holds with Envigo's continued support."
